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[烤箱类产品最新标准讨论] Introduction of EN 60335-2-9/A12: 2007

来源: 点击数:10  录入时间:09-06-17 21:01:33
e switched on. Ovens are operated without accessories.

(测试方法按照11.2, 在额定功率下正常工作)


Test again:

-Ovens having settings higher than 240 °C are also operated at the maximum setting until steady

  state conditions are established or for 60 minutes, whichever is shorter. The temperature rise

  limits of Table Z101 for top surfaces and door surfaces are increased by 10 K.

(当最高温度设定大于240度的烤箱, 需要在最高设定温度时再次测试, 但上表面和门的温升限值在Table Z101基础上加10度)


Temperature rises are not measured on the following surfaces (see Figure Z103):


1. surfaces on the oven door within 10 mm from the edge of the door (Zone 1);



2. surfaces around the oven door within 10 mm from the left, right or lower edge of the door,

    or 25 mm from the upper edge of the door (Zone 2);

(离门边缘外侧的左,右,下三个方位10mm范围, 和离门边缘上部25mm范围不用测量)


3. surfaces within 25 mm of vents (Zone 3);




4. the underside of appliances intended to be used on a working surface;



5. the rear surface of appliances which, according to the instructions, shall be placed against a wall;



6. surfaces within 25 mm from the level of the top surface of cookers when the hotplate is in operation.



During the test, the temperature rise of surfaces shall not exceed the values specified in Table Z101.




For contact grills, waffle irons, sandwich makers, radiant grills, raclette grills and griddles, the

temperature rise limits for top surfaces in Table Z101 apply.


Temperature rises are not measured on surfaces

1. within 25 mm around the outline of the hot functional surface;



2. within 25 mm from the ventilation openings.



3. Underside surfaces that are not accessible with test probe 41 of IEC 61032 are not concerned.



For breadmakers, the temperature rise limits for other surfaces in Table Z101 apply.

Temperature rises are not measured on surfaces


1. within 25 mm from the edge of the lid;



2. within 25 mm from the ventilation openings.


     The probe is applied without appreciable force.

(器具下部test probe 41不能接触地方不用测量。正常放置,测试棒不用明显的力,建议1N即可)


 以上关于EN 60335-2-9/A12: 2007,如有疑问请参与讨论。。。

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